Search Results
Ruby Conference 2008 - Waves: a Resource-Oriented Framework
LoneStar RubyConf 2008 - Resource Driven Web Development with Waves
LA RubyConf 2009 - Resource-Oriented Architecture, and Why it Matters, and How Waves Make it Easier
Ruby Conference 2008 - Seattle.rb Rocks!
GORUCO 2009 - Resource-Oriented Architecture With Waves by Dan Yoder
Ruby Conference 2008 - Ruby in the Clouds
Your Object Model Sucks & an Introduction to Resource Oriented Computing • Peter Rodgers • GOTO 2015
Nate Abele - Resource Oriented Web App 1/3
Cadence - Resource Oriented Programming Paradigm
MicroWebs and NanoServices - Introduction to Resource Oriented Computing
WSO2Con Asia 2016 - Moulding Your Enterprise with Resource Oriented Architecture
Mountain West RubyConf 2008 - Lightning Talks - Various Presenters